Dolphin Tours promotes sustainable marine tourism

Costa Rican pioneer company dedicated to marine tourism. Some years ago we started with the Keto foundation in the program of good practices in sustainable marine tourism supported by the CI Organization in which we obtained a badge of good practices such as the SEA STAR SYSTEM.

Now, we are working with MARVIVA and the ICT in the certification program of the CST in which we have obtained our first level, we are in the process of improving to obtain more levels.

DOLPHIN TOUR offers to the tourist the enjoyment of marine and terrestrial nature in a balanced way taking advantage of its surroundings but intervening the least in its natural resources.

Tour Regulations:

  • All the passengers in the tour need to comply with the recommendations given by our guide.
  • For whale watching we approach in parallel to the whale on a moderate distance of 200 meters and for dolphins which are socializing on about 100 meters.
  • The observation lasts around 30 minutes in each cetacean.
  • To observe a whale there shouldn’t be too many boats around, we have to wait in the observation process.
  • No swimming with cetaceans.
  • You must use the lifejacket to do snorkeling
  • No smoking or drinking alcohol during the tour.
Turismo Responsable

Regulations in the Marino Ballena  National Park

  • Respect the rules of public use
  • Respect the schedule of entry
  • No feeding animals or leave waste that wil, damage their diet and behavior.
  • No fishing allowed.
  • No pets allowed.
  • Be careful of the rip currents and don’t swim in the áreas marked as dangerous.
  • Be careful with your belongings
  • Stay inside the trails.
  • Smoking or enter with alcohol is not allowed, also no drugs inside the PNMB.
  • Garbage is not part of the natural environment, please take out the trash with you.
  • It is not allowed to make noisy activities that will agitate the public order and the park resources.
  • Respect the rules of public order of the park and verify the tide chart in the ranger station.
  • Respect the hours of visitation of the park.
  • Be careful of the rip currents and don’t swim in the áreas marked as dangerous.
  • Be careful with your belongings
  • Stay inside the trails.
  • Garbage is not part of the natural environment, please take out the trash with you.
  • Don’t forget to bring a hat and sunblock, and also to walk in the trails is better if you bring hiking shoes (to step on rocks)
  • Please be careful with rip currents, be aware of high tide specially in the mouth rivers. Ask at the entrances of the park.
  • Be careful with your belongings and close your car very well, don’t leave anything at the view of pesons. The National Park does not make responsible for the lost or damage of equipments or materials.
  • Try to use biodegradable soaps in the showers and sinks, this way we don’t contaminate.
    If you have special medication please don’t forget to bring it with you.
    • Get in touch with local guides or tour operator Associations or local organizations that will back you up to hire guides or tours from the area.

Is very important to know that in the Marino Ballena National Park is not allowed to:

  • To go into the park drunk, or to enter drugs and alcohol in the park.
  • To enter with pets or domestic animals.
  • Extract stones, plants or other natural resource of the protected area.
  • To walk outside the trails or set up areas for public use.
  • Smoking (Law Nª9028)
  • Throw trash.
  • Touch, feed or stalk animals.
  • Enter with guns
  • Comercial activities inside the limits of the park
  • Driving any kind of vehicle in the beach, according to the article 127 & 130 of the Transit Law Nº7331, or boats that will attempt against the lives of the swimmers.
  • Horsebackriding
  • Fires in the park, if you want to cook you must bring the gas kitchen or grill that don’t touch the ground.
  • Stereos with high volume.